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Memorial Day Lesson Banner of Cemetery

ESL Memorial Day Lesson - Page 1


Memorial Day is an American holiday to honor soldiers who died serving their country. It is celebrated in the United States on the last Monday in May. Friends and relatives visit cemeteries to put wreaths, flags, and flowers on the graves of soldiers. Some cities have parades or special services at local cemeteries. Politicians give speeches and bands play patriotic music. Memorial Day is also the start of the American recreational season. Many families have picnics or backyard barbeques. Some Americans watch the Indianapolis 500 car race. Most schools close for summer vacation before or shortly after Memorial Day. (3-page lesson)

Memorial Day Is In May
Memorial Day Is In May

When is Memorial Day?

It is on the last Monday in May.

May is in the spring.

Marine Salutes a Grave of a Soldier
Marine Salutes a Grave of a Soldier

Who do we honor on Memorial Day?

We honor soldiers who died while serving their country.

We also honor soldiers who are currently serving in the armed services like the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, and the Coast Guard.

Memorial Day Worksheets and Activities

Memorial Day Worksheet

Memorial Day Vocabulary  Answer Key

Read Aloud Worksheet

Memorial Day Read Aloud

Memorial Day Hidden Picture Puzzle

Handwriting Worksheet

Memorial Day Crossword  Answer Key

Interactive Crossword Puzzle - Memorial Day

National Cemeteries PowerPoint

Arlington National Cemetery Video (music)