PuzzleType=Crossword PuzzleTitle=Veterans Day PuzzleDate=10/26/2008 3:17:37 PM PuzzleAuthor=Christina Niven PuzzleCopyright=Permission is granted by www.elcivics.com to link to this puzzle. PuzzleBackgroundColor=#ECE9D8 GridBackgroundColor=#ECE9D8 PuzzleTextColor=#000000 PuzzleTextSize=Normal CrosswordAllowCheck=True CrosswordAllowRevealWord=True CrosswordAllowRevealLetter=True CrosswordAllowSolve=True CrosswordForceUpperCase=True PuzzleUseTimer=True GridShadow=3 GridWidth=14 GridHeight=11 GridValues=0 0 0 1m1a1r1i1n1e1s0 1c0 0 1y0 1u0 0 0 0 1o0 0 1n1o0 0 1e0 1n0 0 0 0 1v0 0 0 1a0 0 1s1h1i1p0 0 0 1e1n1l1i1s1t0 0 0 1f0 1s0 0 1m0 0 0 1t0 1a1w0 1o0 1o0 0 1b0 0 0 1g0 1r1a1i1r1p1l1a1n1e0 0 0 1u0 1m1r0 1m0 1i0 0 1r0 0 1n1a1v1y0 0 0 0 1d0 0 0 0 0 0 1r0 0 0 1f1i1v1e0 0 0 0 0 0 1d0 0 0 0 0 0 1r0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Checksum=1176910861 CWA=Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, and __________ CWA=Are banks open on Veterans Day? (yes or no) CWA=very large boat CWA=to join a military branch CWA=vehicle that flies in the sky CWA=military branch that conducts naval operations CWA=number of U.S. military branches CWD=month Veterans Day is in CWD=small military branch that protects our coastline and enforces maritime laws (2 words) CWD=Is Veterans Day a federal holiday? (yes or no) CWD=outfit worn by soldiers CWD=person who is enlisted in a branch of the Armed Forces CWD=largest U.S. military branch CWD=armed conflict between countries